I humbly accept this Liebster award.

So I woke up this morning, earlier than I would have liked, and popped open my gmail account to find a comment and a like on my blog despite not having written in it for almost 3 weeks.  Finals happened, then my Mom came out to visit for two weeks so it’s been a blog free couple of weeks, and because we are about to move to a new apartment, it might be a week or so before I get back to work.liebster

However, in the space of time that I have been writing I have come across a few bloggers, or they have come upon me, thus expanding my writing community.  One of the bloggers that discovered me, and by that act allowed me to discover him, is  remingtonmoll over at think/look/write.  Not only has this guy written some great stuff, he has encouraged and supported my work along the way.  This week he threw his hat in the ring to give me the Liebster award for new blogs.  I’ll explain the rules of the award and sort of get into what it means below.  Either way, I would like to really thank Remington for the honor and the privilege.  I will refrain from passing the Liebster right back, but I will send my sincere thanks and get down to the brass tacks of my obligations when it comes to the Liebster. Continue reading